Monday, November 30, 2009

First Date 3's

1. DON'T get ahead of yourself. It's OK to get excited before you go out with someone new, but stay realistic. As pessimistic as this sounds, if your expectations are low, then a good date will be a welcome surprise and a bad date will be no biggie. --
2. DO be open to unexpected date ideas. A homemade meal, PBR, and Guitar Hero might be a better way to get to know each other than the standard restaurant and a movie. Plus, are you really going to ask someone to take you out for filets and the theater in this economy? -- Tom Miller, Tango's Daily Dish
3. DON'T go somewhere overflowing with eye candy. A while ago I took a girl out to brunch at a restaurant that is always brimming with beautiful hipsters. Naturally, there was a Kate Hudson look-alike sitting behind my date, right in my line of vision -- maintaining eye contact with my date has never been more of a struggle. -- Ryan Dodge, Single-ish


Be a ASSHOLE. Just do it with a smile and then its okay. It shows you are joking and brings out the true alpha in you.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Watching the Game Theory

This is a classic technique that should be developed at the earlier stages of every relationship. Simply begin telling your partner that your team is playing and your going to watch the game with friends. This way, if you don't have a sport you follow or even if you do, it will allow you to have some time for yourself. It is fun having secrets. If you got someone on the side. They are your game day girl/boy ;) This theory can be applied to everything. The game day idea was just an example. You could integrate other pass times as-well. Dance class, drop in basketball, gym, cooking class, or lunch with your "uncle" every sunday. These are all just examples. Be creative and use your imagination.

Life Is An Adventure

Texting Rulebook

There are many DO's and DON'Ts in the text messaging world. Somethings can make you look desperate, needy, or just like a total stalker.n If you do it right it can lead to dating, friends, or just a hook-up. Thank god I have mastered this niche and am here to share the fundamentals of texting.

1) NEVER double text. If you send him/her a text and they don't get back to you. Do NOT text back another question or the question mark. Bad idea.

2) Be brief. Leave content for their imagination ;). Plus you don't want to be texting someone a novel!

3) Use emotions. Winky, sad face, smilie, tongue out, etc. Don't get crazy though. Your not an 8 yr old. It let's the person know what kind of mood you are in and depending on the situation, wether you are joking or not.

4) Be spontaneous. Random texts are the best. Send lyrics from a song, stupid joke, or your favorite color. Be creative.
5) Everyone plays games, So play back. If you don't play them back via text you become less interesting, dull, and just not that exciting anymore. Sorry
6) This should be a clever, short, and somewhat of an inside joke between you and whoever.

I will ADD 5 new rules every week.